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How To Videos for Multipoint door lock repair

How To Videos for Multipoint door lock repair how to videos

How to video of the most common multi-point lock repairs

Hoppe HLS-9000 series handle set removal. This video includes instructions for the HLS®9000 handle set system. Here you will find instructions on removal and installation of the whole handle set system components.

Hoppe HLS-9000 series European profile lock cylinder removal. This video allows viewers to learn how to remove and install the HOPPE HLS®9000 cylinders, as well as see the different types of cylinders that HOPPE offers.

Removing and replacing your Hoppe multi-point lock. This video will teach you how to properly replace the HOPPE multipoint locking system. It also provides tips on what type of locking points you have and how to tell what type of gear you need.

Hoppe multi-point lock gearbox measurement video. How to quickly measure your broken Hoppe HLS-9000 Manual activated multipoint lock to order a gearbox replacement. With just a few measurements we can send you a lock replacement for door. These work as direct replacements for ALL Hoppe HLS-9000 (Handle OVER Thumbturn with European Lock Cylinder) manually activated multipoint locking systems on active doors.

How to identify your Hoppe Lock Gearbox replacement

How to identify a lock for a Caradco 4101341 door. Caradco 4101341 door lock. Hard to find lock to repair your broken Caradco French door multipoint lock.

Lock for PGT 750 series French Door lock, also for SIW French Doors

Hoppe Multipoint door lock replacement

Hoppe handle set installation on a Sierra Pacific door

Hoppe multipoint lock gearbox step by step replacement instructions for locksmiths and repair companies.

How to quickly measure your broken Hoppe HLS-9000 Manual activated multipoint lock to order a gearbox replacement. With just a few measurements we can send you a lock replacement for door. These work as direct replacements for ALL Hoppe HLS-9000 (Handle OVER Thumbturn with European Lock Cylinder) manually activated multipoint locking systems on active doors.

1.) When measuring your lock, measure the “backset” first. The backset measurements for Hoppe locks will only be 1 of the 4 backset measurements. The 4 backsets from Hoppe are:

35mm (1 3/8″) Found on Kawneer and LaFenestra Doors, not a very common backset.

45mm (1 3/4″) Found on Weather Shield Hurd Marvin Thermatru doors. This is the most common backset for doors equipped with Hoppe.

60mm (2 3/8″) Not very common, But still available

70mm (2 3/4″) Not very common, But still available

2.) The second measurement needed is the distance from the center of the handle to the center of the keylock. This is called the “PZ”.   This is just a confirmation measurement since all Hoppe HLS-9000 PZ measurement is 92mm or 3 5/8″. So when ordering a replacement gearbox, the PZ will always be 92mm. This is for all Hoppe lock replacements.
3.) The third and last measurement needed to place your gearbox order is the “Deadbolt Throw”. This can be determined by opening your door out of the door frame, Lifting the handle while depressing the small spring loaded wedge strike between the striker and the deadbolt. Once the door is locked, turn the thumb turn until the deadbolt is fully extended.

Measure the distance of travel or the amount that the deadbolt is extended. There are only (2) options for this available from Hoppe. 1/2″ (14mm) or 1″ (25mm).

Once you have these three simple measurements, it is easy to get a replacement gearbox. Here is how to submit your measurements: Backset / PZ / Deadbolt Throw IN THIS ORDER 45/92/25 is the most common Hoppe Lock installed on Hurricane Impact rated aluminum clad wood doors.

As you can see, there are only so many options, and you can determine the lock box you need just by narrowing down the options with just these three measurements. Here are the options for Hoppe HLS-9000 type locking systems::

35mm Backsets: 35/92/25 and 35/92/14

45mm Backsets: 45/92/25 and 45/92/14

60mm Backsets: 60/92/25

70mm Backsets: 70/92/25

As you can see, there are only (8) possible Hoppe Lock gearbox replacements. Here is a secret, the absolute most common replacement will be 45/92/25 gearbox. Now, a few things I forgot to mention:

A. These Hoppe gearbox replacements will only work as a replacement for existing Hoppe Multipoint Locking Systems.

B. This will not work as a gearbox replacement for a Hoppe “Single Point” lock. If you have a single point lock, specify as a single point lock with the (3) measurements needed. Example – Single Point 45/92/25.

C. This will not repair a broken FUHR multipoint lock system. If you see a stamp on the lock faceplate that shows the words “FUHR” then you will need to contact us with a few more details. The reason for this is that FUHR locks are discontinued and Hoppe parts will not work to repair the FUHR lock. We will need all the locking point measurements as well as the overall door panel height measurement, to convert your FUHR multipoint door lock over to a Hoppe Locking System.

D. These Hoppe gearbox replacements are only for the Hoppe HLS-9000 series multipoint locks. This will not work as a direct replacement for Hoppe HLS-7 version. Here are the differences between the two lock versions: HLS-9000 Series –

1.) Handle ABOVE Thumb turn – Viewed From Interior

2.) Available in 16mm (5/8″) and 20mm (3/4″) faceplate widths. 16mm faceplate width is the most common.

3.) This series is only available to use a european profile cylinder. If you have an American cylinder above the handle, then you have a Hoppe HLS-7 series.

4.) Replacement Gearboxes available are “Single” for doors equipped with a Hoppe Single point lock with no other locking points anywhere else on the door panel, or “Multipoint” for doors equipped with a Hoppe multipoint door lock that has multipoint locking points on the door, Door may also have top and bottom shootbolts (Shoot bolts). This is typical on hurricane impact rated doors with multipoint locking points. HLS-7 Series –

1.) Handle BELOW Thumb turn – Viewed From Interior

2.) Available in 16mm (5/8″) and 20mm (3/4″) faceplate widths. 16mm faceplate width is the most common.

3.) This series is only available to use an American Lock cylinder. If you have a European Profile cylinder below the handle, then you have a Hoppe HLS-9000 series.

Hoppe Lock Gearbox Identification and everything you need to know how to identify your current Hoppe lock.

How to Identify and measure it properly to get a replacement.

1. What Lock Series do you need? If it is Handle OVER European profile lock cylinder, Then it is a Hoppe HLS-9000 series. This is the most common lock used by Weather Shield, Older Peachtree doors, Kolbe and Kolbe, Therma-Tru doors, Fleetwood Doors, Older Hurd doors and several other door manufacturers. If it is Handle UNDER American lock cylinder, Then that is the HLS-7 series, which it is not as common as the Handle over Thumb turn version, HLS-9000 series.

2. What is the backset? This is the measurement from the edge of the door to the center of the handle post. This is pretty simple to measure since Hoppe only offers (4) different backsets. The options are 35mm (1 3/8″), 45mm (1 3/4″ The Most Common Backset), 60mm (2 3/8″), and 70mm (2 3/4″). This is the first measurement to determine your lock gearbox.

3. What is the measurement from the center of the handle to the center of the thumb turn? This can be measured from the center of the handle to the center of the key hole from the exterior, or the center of the handle to the center of the thumb turn knob on the interior of the door? This one is easy. 92mm (3 5/8″) is the common “PZ” measurement on all Hoppe lock series available. This is the second measurement to determine your replacement lock gearbox.

4. What is the deadbolt throw measurement? This is another easy one, since there are only (2) deadbolt throw sizes that are offered by Hoppe. 14mm (1/2″) and 25mm (1″ Most common size) This is the final measurement in the product part number to identify your Hoppe gearbox replacement.

Below are the Hoppe gearbox part numbers and an explanation of the part numbers. Example:

(35mm ) 1 3/8″ Backsets: IWP-35-92-14      35mm (1 3/8″ Backset) – 92mm (3 5/8″ PZ) – 14mm (1/2″ Deadbolt throw)

IWP-35-92-25   35mm (1 3/8″ Backset) – 92mm (3 5/8″ PZ) – 25mm (1″ Deadbolt throw)

(45mm ) 1 3/4″ Backsets (The Most Common in USA)

IWP-45-92-14 (used mainly on single doors) 45mm (1 3/4″ Backset) – 92mm (3 5/8″ PZ) – 14mm (1/2″ Deadbolt throw)

IWP-45-92-25 (Most common Hoppe Lock Gearbox replacement size) 45mm (1 3/4″ Backset) – 92mm (3 5/8″ PZ) – 25mm (1″ Deadbolt throw)

Note: On 60mm and 70mm backsets, Hoppe only offers 1″ (25mm deadbolt throws) on this lock configuration. So, That makes it ever more simpler to Identify a replacement gearbox. All you really need is the backset measurement since the Handle to Thumb turn knob “PZ” will always be 92mm (3 5/8″ and the deadbolt throw will always be 25mm (1″).

(60mm ) 2 3/8″ Backsets (Not Very Common) IWP-60-92-25 (Available, But not a stock item) 60mm (2 3/8″ Backset) – 92mm (3 5/8″ PZ) – 25mm (1″ Deadbolt throw)

(70mm ) 2 3/4″ Backsets (Not Very Common) IWP-60-92-25 (Available, But not a stock item) 70mm (2 3/4″ Backset) – 92mm (3 5/8″ PZ) – 25mm (1″ Deadbolt throw)

The IWP-45-92-25 gearbox is the most commonly used to replace 95% of the locks that we encounter, Every once in a while we will get an oddball size that will take a few weeks to arrive once we have ordered it. I hope this simple video and the verbal explanation will help you find the Hoppe lock gearbox and make it easier to understand how the lock is identified.